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Change Management

Project Management

Organisational Planning

Project Management entails the clear assignment, coordination, and monitoring of multiple, concurrent, and synergistic team and multi-functional efforts.  Smartcom's project management methodology helps project teams ensure that their projects are completed on-time and on-budget. The methodology includes the strict execution of the following steps:

  • Form a Steering Committee (stakeholders)
  • Determine project's high level tasks and timelines
  • Create sub-initiatives with specific deliverables
  • Form cross-functional teams for each sub-initiative
  • Develop a detailed project plan (e.g., MS Project)
  • Define the Critical Path activities
  • Determine the IT implications of the new initiative
  • Assist in developing a business requirements document (if necessary)
  • Create an Issues Tracking & Management database
  • Make monthly status report presentations to the Steering Committee
  • Send out weekly progress report memorandum
  • Lead weekly team meetings
  • Develop the success measures metrics and put in place the tracking process
  • Determine all the functional units who would be involved in the implementation of the program
  • Develop a thorough communication plan to prepare all departments for the implementation
  • Develop and deliver a training program (if necessary)
  • Plan and develop strategies for the next phase

All major initiatives require careful design of cross-functional teams to achieve the objectives of the initiative in the most efficient and synergistic manners.  The reporting structures also accommodate both the functional areas' requirements and the overall ownership of the initiative. 


The Smartcom team assists corporations in their efforts to optimize work structures and role definitions, optimize accountabilities among and across groups, and identify the training and education development initiatives that are required to fuel sustained employee and corporate growth.  When optimized, effective organizational planning and design efforts greatly facilitate corporate efforts to deliver tangible and beneficial business results.

Risk Analysis


Risk and mitigation analysis will be conducted for a new initiative or an existing business entity through identifying operational, financial, and legal risks.


The team will also develop and install monitoring and internal audit processes to manage the identified risks.